We have been able to reach-out to an enormous number of audiences, who through our personal space for our visitors has educated, informed and inspired about several of our experiences. PHLI has always believed to find a personal connect with its patients with dedication and care. As a result, we have brought to you a landscape of thoughts, experiences, success stories, unique case descriptions etc. from our community.
It is a right and a duty to live and promote healthy and hygienic living. Hence the motivation to drive yourself to inspirit the notion of individual responsibility, a person needs a sense of inner-belief and motivation from ones around. Here is a space which serves the purpose of not only carrying out expressions of personal experiences from patients but also create a lasting impact on the reader through a more interactive exchange of words and information related lungs, heart and healthy lifestyle.
With a primary aim to education and inspire, our main challenge has been to open people’s eyes and give them an idea about the broader perspective of healthcare experiences by broadening their knowledge. In tough conditions, it is the patients’ and the families’ self-believe, which acts a pillar to take a grip around; as we read through several of the stories and narrations, we come across a route which helps us boost our inner-strengths, at times when it is easier to break than feel motivated.
In many cases, enough education acts a main carrier of discouragement across the patient’s support staff, so it was essential to create a space for our visitors to know regular advancements in technology and services at PLHI and in the field of medicines. We encourage everyone to read and go through the experiences of several others, who can only add value through their stories while making the right decision.