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Case Study

Airway Foreign Body - Endobronchial Soft Tissue Extraction by Cryoprobe through Pediatric Bronchoscope in 2 yrs old Child

Bilateral Lung Volume Reduction Surgery - LVRS - Bilateral Thoracotomy - Post operative No Air Leaks

Excision of Abdominal Lump Mass by Exploratory Laparatomy - Weighing 7 kg's - High Grade Spindle Cell Sarcoma

Excision of Anterior Mediastinal Mass - Primary Thymic Tumor - Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma of Nodular Sclerosis

Excision of Carcinoid - Endobronchial Tumor by Cryotherapy - Polypoid Endobronchial Fibrolipoma

Excision of Cystic Mass in Paraspinal Space - Spindle Cell Neoplasm with Advanced Fibrosclerosis

Excision of Emphysematous Bulla in Advanced COPD - Bullectomy _ BPF Repair

Excision of Hydatid Cyst by Exploratory Laparatomy

Excision of Pancoast Tumor - Right sided Thoractomy done - Metastatic Adenocarcinoma

Excision of Solitary Fibrous Tumor of Pleura Weighing 7.5 kgs - 34 soft tissue mass pieces

Excision of Tracheal Mass with Critical Airway Stenosis - Tracheal Tumor Debulking _ Balloon Dilatation and Recanalization of Trachea with Main Stem Bronchus

Excision of Tracheobronchial Mass invading Mediastinum with Mechanical Coring by Rigid Bronchoscopy, Cryodebulking and APC Snare

Massive Chylothorax - Therapeutic Drainage and Medical Thoracoscopy done - Follicular Lymphoma Grade 2
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